11 april, Den Haag: Confronting Apartheid, a critical discussion

Organisation: International Institute of Social Studies
date: Thursday, 11 Apr 2019, 16:15 – 17:45
Room: Aula
Location: International Institute of Social Studies, Korternaerkade 12, Den Haag
Note: Registration is compulsory: www.iss.nl/11AprilEvent
This event on Confronting Apartheid involves a critical discussion about the law and legal history of apartheid, the impact of apartheid on society and civic and government responses to this.
John DugardOpens external Professor of International Law, author of Confronting Apartheid (2018)
Ronnie BarkanOpens external Founder of the Israeli Movement Boycott From Within
Shawan JabarinOpens external Human Rights Lawyer, General Director of Al-Haq (Palestine)
Adri NieuwhofOpens external Writer & Former Member of Holland Committee on Southern Africa
Moderated by Jeff Handmaker
This discussion provides a unique opportunity to discuss apartheid from four crucial perspectives.
Professor John Dugard will share a lifetime of experiences, documented in a recent book, as a scholar, jurist and also as an advisor to the United Nations, regarding apartheid regimes in South Africa, Namibia and Palestine.
Mr. Ronnie Barkan, an Israeli human rights activist and founder of the movement Boycott From Within, will discuss his perspectives on apartheid as a critical Israeli, exercising non-violent resistance both in Israel and abroad.
Ms. Adri Nieuwhof, who worked from the late 1970s with the Holland Committee for Southern Africa, will share her past experiences mobilizing globally against apartheid in South Africa and, in recent years, mobilizing against Israeli apartheid as a journalist and human rights advocate.
And finally, Mr. Shawan Jabarin, a longtime Palestinian lawyer, human rights advocate and currently Comissioner of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) and General Director of the ICJ-affiliated organization Al-Haq, will share his experiences challenging Israel’s apartheid policies in the West Bank by way of the Courts and other means.
Due to a significant expected turn-out, you are kindly requested to register for this event so that we can keep track of numbers. We respect the Dutch privacy regulations and will not save any personal information