13 aug. Amsterdam: Film + talk, Pinkwashing exposed in Studio/K

Tuesday August 13th, from 19.50 till 21.20
Studio/K, Timorplein 62, Amsterdam
This program is organized by Studio/K in collaboration with Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina. The program is part of Project Pride, an Amsterdam-based festival.
Bioscoopzaal // Low-Income: 6 eu // CJP/Student/Stadspas 8,50 // Reg: 10,50 // Solidarity 12,00 // Cineville Valid
Director Dean Spade and producer Amy Mahardy show the inspiring story of campaigns against Pinkwashing and Palestine solidarity activism in Pinkwashing Exposed. ¨Pinkwashing¨ is a term activists have coined for when countries engaged in terrible human rights violations, promote themselves as ¨gay friendly¨ to improve their public image. The country most famous for using this strategy is Israel, using it as part of a rebranding campaign for the last decade. Pinkwashing Exposed examines how Pinkwashing works and what local activists do in order to fight back.
After the documentary there will be a follow-up discussion with Yasmin Ahmed, who is part of the organisation Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina (SRP). Both screening and follow-up discussion are in English.
🌈 Pinkwashing Exposed: 13th of August in Studio/K! 🌈
40% of the ticket income will go to alQaws – القوس للتعددية الجنسية والجندرية في المجتمع الفلسطيني: For Gender and Sexual Diversity in Palestinian Society.
AlQaws is a group of LGBTQ Palestinian activists and allies who are working together to transform Palestinian society’s perspectives to a society in which diverse sexualities, sexual orientations and genders are celebrated.