26 mei, Amsterdam: One state solution in Israel Palestine – It’s time?

AMSTERDAM, Sunday 26th of May, 2 pm till 4 pm
the Jungle Theatre ,Tweede van Swindenstraat 26, 1093 VS Amsterdam
Jeff Halper and Rana Madi will be travelling to 4 cities, from the 21st to the 26th of May. They will be discussing the subject: One state solution in Palestine/Israel : it’s time.
The speakers will give a historical description, they’ will discuss the evolution as well as the current situation. They will then discuss the one state solution as being the most relevant after 71 years of no solution.
The Speaking Tour will start in Bordeaux, on the 22nd of May, continue in Grenoble on the 23rd, and Paris on the 24th and finally finish in Amsterdam on the 26th.
Jeff Halper has lived in Israel since 1973 and has been an activist for Palestinian rights since. He is educated as an anthropologist but mostly known as an author, activist and lecturer. In 1997, he was the co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions and he is still active for the organization regularly giving tours informing people of the reality on the ground. Jeff was nominated for the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize for his work “to build equality between Palestinians and Israelis by recognizing and celebrating their common humanity.” Jeff supported the two state model until 2012 but since has come to the realization that the one state reality no longer allows for such a solution. In the context of one state Jeff is a proponent of a binational state model. Jeff is married, father of three children and a grandfather to three grandchildren. Jeff lives in West-Jerusalem.
Rana Madi is the United Nations Legal Advocacy Representative of BADIL, the Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights. Rania has developed and delivered BADIL’s advocacy strategy and positions at the EU, the UN and UN agencies, preparing submitting and presenting policy briefs and reports with human rights organisations, coalitions, and networks. She coordinates with Palestinian human rights organisations for the UN Human Rights Council, organizes panels and side events relevant to the agenda of the Human Rights Council sessions. Rania also does consultancy for the Palestinian refugees and internally displaced persons and is the BADIL representative to the UNHCR and UNRWA. In March 2016, Rania submitted BADIL’s report of investigations after the war of Gaza 2014 to the International Criminal Court and defended the report.
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FFIPP Europe is an educational network for human rights in Israel/Palestine. It is a non-profit, non-governmental international organization, comprised of international students and faculties, working in solidarity for a complete end of occupation and just peace in the region.
The network is expanded throughout the world including chapters in Brazil, Canada, USA and Europe, including France (Bordeaux, Grenoble and Paris), Switzerland, the Netherlands, the UK and Italy.
One of FFIPP’s main objectives, is to raise awareness locally through our various international chapters based on student experiences on the ground. This is why, this year, FFIPP Europe is organising a Speaking Tour!
During the speaking tour, Jeff and Rania will be hosted by four local FFIPP Europe chapters: Grenoble, Bordeaux, Paris and Amsterdam. The Speaking Tour will start in Bordeaux, on May 22, continue in Grenoble on May 23, and Paris on May 24 and finally conclude in Amsterdam on May 26. Visit https://www.ffippeu.com/speaking-tour/amsterdam for more information!