28 jan. Amsterdam: benefietdiner voor de speeltuin in Jalazone

Organisatie: Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina (SRP)
Locatie: Joe´s Garage, Pretoriusstraat 43, Amsterdam
Tijd: 19u00 – 22u00
SRP’s monthly benefit dinner in Joe’s Garage is part of our fundraising campaign for Jalazone refugee camp, a project to support building a playground for the children in the camp.
Summer 2017 SRP visited Jalazone camp during a our trip to Palestine. We met with the women’s committee of the camp who work to improve the lives of their children living under occupation. They playgroud project fundraising is a direct request from the Palestinian women in Jalazone camp and we are working towards building concrete solidarity with Jalazone camp.
Come and join us for a delicious meal and see what you can do to further this project. It will be a night of good company and great food!