6 september, Amsterdam: Docu: ¡Yallah! ¡Yallah!

Friday, September 6th, 20.00
Pakhuis de Zwijger, Piet Heinkade 179, Amsterdam
Program by Pakhuis de Zwijger in collaboration with DocP and Ontmoet Palestina
Film about seven people who try to overcome the difficulties in present-day Palestine while playing football.
As the Israeli occupation of Palestine continues, the slogan ‘Existence is resistance’ remains a necessary one today. The film focuses on the story of seven Palestinians who are connected to the world of football. Through their daily lives the audience gets to know in detail their bond with the sport, their activities and the problems they have to face as their daily lives are constantly affected by Israel’s subjugation of Palestine. However, these individuals still manage to survive and endure all sorts of problems with dignity in order to enjoy one of their biggest passions: football.
Speakers in the program:
About the movie:
The film is about Seven people and their daily conflicts to overcome the difficulties of living in present-day Palestine. The main characters of the film are Abed-Fatah Arar, Roberto Kettlun, Yosef Alazzah, Susan Shalabi, Nabeel Hrob, Mohammad Abu Sulaiman, Eyad Abu Garguood. The details of their daily lives, their relationships and coexistence takes us closer to a story of football, passion and struggle. The film has internationally been screened in multiple festivals and countries such as in Germany, colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, and Palestine.