8 feb. Amsterdam: Ontmoet Palestina presents “One night in Nablus”

Ontmoet Palestina presents : One Night in Nablus (with Daoud Nassar (“Tent of Nations”)
Location: OT301, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam
Time: 20u00 – 3u00
In February Ontmoet Palestina will host the second edition of One Night in Nablus in OT301. For one night we will meet Palestine. A visit to Palestine is an intense experience. Central in our trips are the daily struggles that the Palestinians have to deal with, however, you will also be amazed by the resilience, hospitality and beautiful culture of the Palestinians. This night will be like a night you could experience in Palestine: full of politics and discussion but we will also enjoy the Palestinian food, music, and dance. We are delighted that the Palestinian farmer Daoud Nassar from Tent of Nations / Nassar Farm will be the main guest of the evening.
Tickets (€10) are sold at the door.
// 20.00 \\ Walk-in and Arabic buffet. Together we drink, talk and enjoy the food.
// 20:30 \\ Daoud Nassar (Tent of Nations / Nassar Farm) will share the story of his family’s commitment to living a life of nonviolent resistance: refusing to be enemies in the face of continuous obstacles that they, and most Palestinians, face in their search for a normal life.
// 21.00 \\ Spoken words on Palestine and power structures. What can we learn from Palestine? Scroll down for additional information. Topics and speakers are:
– Media bias (Derk Walters)
– Racism and white privilege (Martijn Dekker)
– Religion and conflict (Janneke Stegeman)
– Western policy in the Middle East (Benjamin Baars)
// 21:30 \\ Daoud Nassar. Concluding remarks on the talks, and possibility to ask your questions to Daoud
// 22:00 \\ Dabka performance and workshop from Dreaming of Syria
// 23:00-03.00 \\ DJ Matrub مطروب, Lulu and Derozan will let us dance to the latest and hottest Arabic music
// Whole evening \\ Besides the main area there will be a Palestinian cafe. Here you can find delicious food throughout the evening, smoke shisha and play games. We will make a live connection on a big screen with our Palestinian friends in the Tarabeesh Coffee Shop in Nablus. There will be a stand with information on how to visit Palestine. Join a group trip with Ontmoet Palestine or volunteer on the wonderful Tent of Nations farm.
More information on the participants here.