Amnesty International email-actie: hef de blokkade van Gaza op!

Stuur een email naar Netanyahu en Lieberman via deze link: Take action: lift the blockade on Gaza!
Join people around the world standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people trapped in Gaza
Farah has spent almost half of her life living in a place where she has access to only four hours of electricity a day, where there is no clean water, and where she can’t even travel abroad to see her sister. There is no freedom of movement where she lives. She has lost her passion for life at only 20 years old.
Farah is one of 2 million Palestinian people living under an illegal blockade imposed on Gaza by Israel for the past 11 years. Israel controls access to Gaza via air, land and sea, while the Rafah crossing on the Egyptian border has been closed most of the time for years. She, and others in Gaza effectively live in an open-air prison. They can’t enter or leave Gaza freely, to see family or friends, or to get life-saving medical care outside of Gaza. Even how far they go into the sea to fish is restricted.
Israel says that it maintains its blockade for security reasons, but Palestinians in Gaza are being collectively locked in and punished. Just recently Palestinians organised mass protests along the Israel-Gaza fencee demanding the right of return for millions of Palestinian refugees to their villages and towns in what are now part of Israel, and calling for an end to Israel’s 11-year blockade. Over 100 people were killed, including at least 12 children, and thousands were injured with live ammunition by Israeli soldiers.
As Palestinians in Gaza recover from this tragic loss of life and life-changing injuries, others around the world need to show them they are not alone. Israel has not only the power, but a legal obligation, to lift the blockade and let people in Gaza enjoy their rights. Palestinians in Gaza are asking the world for action, and we must increase international pressure to make this happen.