Send an e-mail to CEO Glenn Fogel:, B.Honest, Stop Profiting from Warcrimes

Send an e-mail to CEO Glenn Fogel:, Stop Profit From War Crimes. We’ve run out of patience. You are aware, now show that you care!

Learn all about’s activities in illegal settlements here, stop profit from war crimes!

Dear Mr. Fogel,

Palestinian civil society has called several times on international companies such as, which are implicated in Israel’s violations of international law, “to stop operating in or otherwise promoting visits to illegal Israeli settlements, contributing to their existence and expansion”, and to stop listing Palestinian homes unlawfully taken under Israel\'s ‘Absentees\' Property Law\'.

In addition, has received an avalanche of research reports from eminent human rights organisations, informing it of its legal and ethical obligations. It’s time now for to withdraw from illegal Israeli settlements.

YOU ARE AWARE - NOW SHOW YOU CARE! In encouraging tourism to illegal Israeli settlements on stolen Palestinian land, profits from human rights violations against indigenous Palestinian people, forcible transfer of Palestinian people, exploitation of Palestinian natural resources, unlawful excavations at archeological sites, and the hijacking of the Palestinian economy.’s actions enhance the economic viability of illegal settlements and thus boost Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise. is also directly complicit in the whitewashing of Israeli war crimes. Worse, turns customers who are unfamiliar with the situation into accomplices to Israel’s human rights violations, since it does not inform them that their accommodation is the result of war crimes such as land theft, forced displacement, and the transfer of civilians in the occupied West Bank including East Jerusalem. By listing settlement properties on its website, profits directly from the illicit economy created by these war crimes. If illegal settlers expelled Dutch or European citizens from their homes and land, would willingly list their stolen homes as accommodation for tourists, and exploit their lovely land as a tourist attraction? behaves like a colonial enterprise, enriching itself at the expense of natives, in this case Palestinians.

BOOKING.COM, we’ve run out of patience! Stop listing tourist accommodation, hotel rooms, activities and attractions run by illegal settlers on occupied Palestinian land, including East Jerusalem, and stop profiting from land theft and expulsion of Palestinians!

%%your signature%%

606 signatures



Dear Mr. Fogel, Palestinian civil society has called several times on international companies such as, which are implicated in Israel’s violations of international law, “to stop operating in or otherwise promoting visits to illegal Israeli settlements, contributing to their existence and expansion”, and to stop listing Palestinian homes unlawfully taken under Israel's ‘Absentees' Property Law'.

In addition, has received an avalanche of research reports from eminent human rights organisations, informing it of its legal and ethical obligations. It’s time now for to withdraw from illegal Israeli settlements.

You are aware, now show you care

In encouraging tourism to illegal Israeli settlements on stolen Palestinian land, profits from human rights violations against indigenous Palestinian people, forcible transfer of Palestinian people, exploitation of Palestinian natural resources, unlawful excavations at archeological sites, and the hijacking of the Palestinian economy.’s actions enhance the economic viability of illegal settlements and thus boost Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise. is also directly complicit in the whitewashing of Israeli war crimes. Worse, turns customers who are unfamiliar with the situation into accomplices to Israel’s human rights violations, since it does not inform them that their accommodation is the result of war crimes such as land theft, forced displacement, and the transfer of civilians in the occupied West Bank including East Jerusalem. By listing settlement properties on its website, profits directly from the illicit economy created by these war crimes.

If illegal settlers expelled Dutch or European citizens from their homes and land, would willingly list their stolen homes as accommodation for tourists, and exploit their lovely land as a tourist attraction? behaves like a colonial enterprise, enriching itself at the expense of natives, in this case Palestinians.

BOOKING.COM, we’ve run out of patience!

Stop listing tourist accommodation, hotel rooms, activities and attractions run by illegal settlers on occupied Palestinian land, including East Jerusalem, and stop profiting from land theft and expulsion of Palestinians!

Geachte heer Fogel,

Het Palestijnse maatschappelijk middenveld heeft herhaaldelijk opgeroepen tot druk op internationale bedrijven zoals, die betrokken zijn bij Israëls schendingen van het internationaal recht, “om te stoppen met het opereren in of anderszins promoten van bezoeken aan illegale Israëlische nederzettingen, waardoor zij bijdragen aan hun bestaan ​​en uitbreiding”, en om te stoppen met adverteren van Palestijnse woningen die onrechtmatig zijn ingenomen onder de Israëlische “Afwezigen-eigendomswet.”

Daarnaast heeft een ​​lawine aan onderzoeksrapporten ontvangen van vooraanstaande mensenrechtenorganisaties, die het informeren over zijn wettelijke en ethische verplichtingen. Het is nu tijd voor om zich terug te trekken uit illegale Israëlische nederzettingen


Door het toerisme naar illegale Israëlische nederzettingen op gestolen Palestijns land aan te moedigen, profiteert van mensenrechtenschendingen tegen inheemse Palestijnse mensen, de uitzetting van Palestijnen, de exploitatie van Palestijnse natuurlijke hulpbronnen, de onwettige opgravingen op archeologische vindplaatsen en het gevangen houden van de Palestijnse economie.

De acties van vergroten de economische levensvatbaarheid van illegale nederzettingen en stimuleren zo Israëls illegale kolonisatie project. is daarmee ook direct medeplichtig aan het witwassen van Israëlische oorlogsmisdaden.

Erger nog, maakt zijn klanten die onbekend zijn met de situatie medeplichtig aan Israëls mensenrechtenschendingen, omdat het hen niet informeert dat hun accommodatie het resultaat is van oorlogsmisdaden zoals landdiefstal, gedwongen ontheemding en het gedwongen verplaatsen van burgers op de Westelijke Jordaanoever inclusief Oost Jeruzalem.

Door nederzettingen op zijn website te vermelden, profiteert rechtstreeks van de illegale economie die door deze oorlogsmisdaden in het leven is geroepen.

Als illegale kolonisten Nederlandse of Europese burgers uit hun huizen en land zouden verdrijven, zou dan bereidwillig hun gestolen huizen adverteren als accommodatie voor toeristen, en hun prachtige land exploiteren als toeristische attractie? gedraagt ​​zich als een koloniale onderneming, die zichzelf verrijkt ten koste van de inheemse bevolking, in dit geval Palestijnen.


Stop met het vermelden van toeristische accommodaties, hotelkamers, activiteiten en attracties die worden gerund door illegale kolonisten op bezet Palestijns land, inclusief Oost-Jeruzalem, en stop met profiteren van landdiefstal en verdrijving van Palestijnen!



For organisational endorsements, please e-mail [email protected]

Endorsing organisations:

EMCEMO Netherlands
Collectief tegen Islamofobie Netherlands
Comité 21 Netherlands
PalestineLink Netherlands
Het Palestijnse Huis Netherlands
Tiye International Netherlands
Palestijnse Gemeenschap in Nederland Netherlands
Palestina Komitee Rotterdam Netherlands
Werkgroep Palestina Enschede Netherlands
International Platform of Jurists for East Timor (IPJET) Netherlands
Afrogrooves Netherlands
Werkgroep Pais Rijnmond e.o. Netherlands
Stichting Groningen-Jabalya Netherlands
Kairos-Sabeel Nederland Netherlands
BDS Berlin Germany
Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign Ireland
Gibanje za pravice Palestincev, BDS Slovenija. Slovenia
Women in Black Vienna Austria
ICAHD Finland Finland
BDS France France
Association Francais Palestine Solidarité AFPS France
Europalestine France
European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine (ECCP) Brussels
Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods UK
Sabeel-Kairos UK UK
Cambridge Palestine Solidarity Campaign UK
York Palestine Solidarity Campaign UK
Leeds Palestine Solidarity Campaign UK
Norwich Palestine Solidarity Campaing UK
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