Click&Tweet-sheet for 3rd Global #BoycottPuma Day of Action

Join the Third #BoycottPuma Global Day of Action
Puma is the main sponsor of the Israel Football Association (IFA), which includes teams in illegal Israeli settlements. Puma’s exclusive licensee in Israel, Delta, is listed in the UN database of complicit settlement companies. Puma’s internationally recognized brand gives legitimacy to Israel’s brutal military occupation, allowing Israel to continue to expand its illegal settlements on stolen Palestinian land with impunity.
Take three actions for the 3rd Global Boycott Puma Day of Action.
- click and email to Puma Management here
- Phone-in: Call Puma headquarters in Germany or your local Puma office. See here for phone number and script.
- Twitter-storm using the click&tweet buttons below:
Dear @Puma shareholders, material for next week’s AGM: #BoycottPuma Annual Report! Your support for illegal Israeli settlements makes Palestinians even more vulnerable in a pandemic. May 4, join 3rd (online) Day of Action. Not #PumaFam.
On Monday, May 4, join online #BoycottPuma rally ahead of @Puma’s shareholders meeting. Help ensure the meeting agenda includes ending Puma’s support for illegal Israeli settlements making Palestinian families even more vulnerable in times of pandemic.
Israeli settlements force Palestinian families from their homes, crowd Palestinians in refugee camps and limit access to clean water & healthcare. I will #BoycottPuma until @Puma ends its complicity. I won’t be part of #PumaFam.
Israeli settlements force Palestinian families from their homes, crowd Palestinians in refugee camps and limit access to clean water & healthcare. I will #BoycottPuma until @Puma ends its complicity. I won’t be part of #PumaFam.
Popular sports teams around the world stand with 200+ Palestinian teams urging @Puma to end support for illegal Israeli settlements. Join May 4 online #BoycottPuma rally ahead of Puma AGM. #PumaFam
.@Puma markets itself as a company that cares about equality yet it funds the apartheid the IFA helps sustain. Take a leap for human rights and stop supporting apartheid, Puma! Until then, we won´t be part of #PumaFam and we will #BoycottPuma
Former Barcelona player Oleguer Presas, Donegal Celtic FC and dozens of popular sports teams stand with 200+ Palestinian teams urging @Puma to end support for illegal Israeli settlements. #BoycottPuma #PumaFam
Popular sports teams around the world stand with 200+ Palestinian teams urging @Puma to end support for illegal Israeli settlements. Join May 4 online #BoycottPuma rally ahead of Puma AGM. #PumaFam
Here are just some of the Palestinian footballers who have been shot, bombed or imprisoned. #BoycottPuma until they end their sponsorship of the IFA. #PumaFam @Puma
UN Special Rapporteur calls on @Puma to end activities in illegal Israeli settlements. Puma sponsors the Israel Football Association, which includes settlement teams. Puma’s exclusive licensee in Israel has branches in settlements. #BoycottPuma #PumaFam
200+ Palestinian teams are calling to #BoycottPuma over support for illegal Israeli settlements, making Palestinian families even more vulnerable during a pandemic. On May 4, help ensure Palestinian rights are on the agenda of @Puma shareholders meeting.
@Puma, YOUR lives??? How about Palestinian lives? #PalestinianLivesMatter Stop profiting from illegal Israeli settlements making the lives of Palestinian families miserable! We won´t be part of #PumaFam until you do. #BoycottPuma
.@PUMA Puma’s exclusive licensee in Israel is Delta Galil Industries, which has branches in illegal Israeli settlements. Delta is listed in the UN database of companies that are complicit in Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise. #BoycottPuma
.@Puma is claiming a “devotion to universal equality.” It’s time for Puma to abide by its stated commitment to human rights and end all activity in illegal Israeli settlements. Until then we won´t be part of #PumaFam and #BoycottPuma
A @Puma attorney said #BoycottPuma campaign is making *their* lives miserable. Puma, feel better. Stop profiting from illegal Israeli settlements robbing Palestinian land, dividing communities, making Palestinian lives miserable.
Palestinian teens dream of representing Palestinian amputee team in World Cup. Israeli sniper fire on peaceful protests in Gaza took their legs + limbs of 155 others. @Puma‘s support for IFA helps ensure impunity. #BoycottPuma to change that.
.@Puma’s sponsorship of the IFA helps keep its direct involvement in violations of human rights and international law off the field, allowing Israel’s settlement regime to continue and expand. #BoycottPuma until it ends it´s support for apartheid.
Palestinian footballers call on you to #BoycottPuma until @Puma stops sponsoring Israeli Apartheid! Israel stops Palestinian footballers travelling, bombed their stadiums and has teams playing on stolen Palestinian land
.@Puma is the main sponsor of Israel Football Association, which includes teams in Israel’s illegal settlements. Activists around the world urge @Puma to stop their involvement in violations of Palestinian rights. #PumaFam #BoycottPuma
Sports teams around the world stand with 200+ Palestinian teams urging @Puma to end support for illegal Israeli settlements. Join May 4 online #BoycottPuma rally ahead of Puma AGM. #PumaFam