Apartheid Week English
Israeli Apartheid Week
Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is a tool for mobilizing grassroots support on the global level for the Palestinian struggle for justice. It is a grassroots mechanism to raise awareness about Israeli apartheid and to mobilize support for strategic BDS campaigns to help bring an end to this system of oppression.
IAW provides an opportunity to network and strengthen the links between the Palestinian liberation struggle and other struggles against racism, oppression, and discrimination. In 2022, as in every year since 2005, we will once again join our voices to denounce apartheid, demonstrate the intersectionality of our struggle and celebrate our diversity. This year, we plan to shed light on the role of culture, and academia in decolonizing our minds in our collective struggles against oppression. In the week of 21-28 of March, various events have been planned across the Netherlands to show that now, more than ever, we are #UnitedAgainstRacism.
Israeli apartheid is financed through trade agreements and white/green/pink washed through cultural and academic events and exchanges. Dutch governments and institutions are complicit in Israeli apartheid through trade agreements, cultural exchanges and academic collaboration. Meanwhile, a recent ELSC report has also demonstrated the various tactics used to attack and silence Palestinians and Palestine activists in the Netherlands.
To end apartheid, we need to collectively stand up against racism in all its forms and call on our government and institutions to stop funding and empowering Israeli apartheid.
– Amplify Palestinian voices and share what you know and learn with others
– Sign petitions to pressure Dutch institutions to divest from Israeli apartheid
– Boycott products and services produced by Israeli apartheid. Visit our campaigns page to know more

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Since its beginnings in 2004, IAW has organized thousands of events in hundreds of cities worldwide. Thanks to IAW, Israel’s apartheid policies of institutionalized racism and systematic oppression against the Palestinian people are increasingly difficult to hide and whitewash.
IAW is a collective growing success that fuels the global BDS movement’s unstoppable growth in the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice, and equality. Now more than ever, let’s continue to stand together. #UnitedAgainstRacism.